Vision of IQAC
To ensure quality in dental education, research, healthcare system and to create global
Mission of IQAC
To set standards and purse academic excellence, professional skills, personal
development and to anchor innovation and research.
Of all the core skills that treasure the practice of dentistry, communication skill plays a vital role in an effective doctor-patient relationship which is considered to be the heart of the dental practice. Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College aims for the quality and overall development of their student, which makes them a premier institute among other dental colleges. The DENTAL COMMUNICATION UNIT of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College has taken a tremendous step in implementing attitude, ethics and cognitive skills in dental curriculum and exclusively trains students in Active listening skills, gathering and communicating information effectively, handling patient emotions sensitively, demonstrating empathy, and awareness.
In order to forge a Dental Communication Unit of Sri Venakateshwaraa Dental college, the faculties have been trained under the guidance of Senior Prof K R Sethuraman, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, Malaysia. Prof K R Sethuraman, the key facilitator is one of the pioneers in establishing the National Training Teaching Center (N T T C ) in JIPMER, Pondicherry.
The DCU prepares customized modules according to the target audience to train them. The unit educates not only the faculties and students of our institution but also does external consultancy for other institutions as well.
The institution has its own distinctiveness with a prime aim to provide high quality dental education and promote inclusive progress of the students related to dental procedural skills as well as interactive and communication skills to accommodate the needs of the community.
Our vision is to emerge as a dental school of excellence by imparting necessary expertise through experienced faculties and futuristic clinical and laboratory facilities and prepare globally competent students, with excellent communication skills which is the base for good doctor- patient relationship, along with fostering the seed of good values and quest for ethical research, thereby contributing to the overall nation building process. Our mission is to conduct faculty development programs and student enhancement program, create a network of holistic scholars who can foster innovation in communication skill and may facilitate patient centered care.
Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College has taken a tremendous step in implementing attitude, ethics and communication skills in the dental curriculum through the Dental Communication Unit (DCU).
Active listening skills, gathering and communicating information effectively, handling patient emotions sensitively, demonstrating empathy, and awareness are crucial aspects in training dental students. The institution has a distinctive Dental Communication Unit, which focuses on the above mentioned qualities, and it trains the students and faculties in improving the skills of understanding, and communication. This greatly influences the mannerism and approach of students towards their patients and they provide excellent holistic treatment with utmost care and concern.
In order to form a Dental Communication Unit of Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College, the faculty has been trained under the guidance of, Prof K R Sethuraman, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, Malaysia. Prof K R Sethuraman, the key facilitator is one of the pioneers in establishing the National Training Teaching Center (N T T C) in JIPMER, Pondicherry and also researched in patient communication skill as his dream project. He has also authored text book in Communication Skill- Patient Doctor Communication which is been distributed Nationally for the medical professionals.
Plan Outline for these soft skill development sessions-
Well stated by Prof. K R Sethuraman, communication skills has two components – “Payload & Rocket” model, which is needed for both training of the trainers(faculty), and students (UG/PG) with selected components of the ‘payload’.
The DCU prepares customized modules according to the target audience to train them. The unit trains not only the faculties and students of our institution but they also do external consultancy for other institutions as well.
S.No | Name of the Authors | LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Department | Journal Information
| Year | |
1. | Dr. S Senthilnathan | Dept of Periodontics | Bharathi SC, Senthilnathan S, Kumar LD, Mohan AC, Taranath M. Unilateral condylar hyperplasia: A case report and review of literature. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2014;4(1):67-70.
| 2014 | |
2. | Dr. S Senthilnathan | Dept of Periodontics | S Senthilnathan, 2 M Baskaran, 3 S Thirumalai, 4 MB Naarayanen. A Comparative Study to evaluate Gingival Depigmentation using Scalpel Blade Technique and CO2 Lasers. Journal of Orofacial Research, January-March 2014;4(1):59-62
| 2014 | |
3. | Dr.S.Senthilnathan | Dept of Periodontics | Babaji P, Sihag T, Chaurasia VR, Senthilnathan S. Hemisection: A conservative management of periodontally involved molar tooth in a young patient. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2015;6(1):253-255.
| 2015 | |
4. | DrS.Senthilnathan | Dept of Periodontics | Aggarwal R, Babaji P, Nathan SS, Attokaran G, Santosh Kumar SM, Sathnoorkar S. Comparative clinicoradiographical evaluation of effect of aminobisphosphonate (sodium alendronate) on peri-implant bone status: Controlled clinical trial. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2016; Jul-Aug;6(4):285-90. | 2016 | |
5. | Dr. Gayathri H | Dept of Periodontics | Madhan B, Gayathri H, Garhnayak M, Naik ES. Orientation of Dental Professionals in India towards Integrative Medicine: A Cross-Sectional Survey. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Feb;10(2):ZC60-2. | 2016 | |
6. | Dr. Gayathri H | Dept of Periodontics | Gayathri H, Madhan B, Naik ES. Dentistry for MBBS students: A proposed curriculum. Natl Med J India. 2015 May-Jun;28(3):159. | 2015 | |
7. | Dr. Gayathri H | Dept of Periodontics | Gayathri, H., Madhan, B. Case report: Malingering and factitious disorders. Br Dent J 218, 610 (2015). | 2015 | |
8. | Dr. Ahila First author
| Department of Periodontics | Augmentation of inter dental papilla with platelet rich fibrin.journal of contemporary clinical dentistry 2018; 9: 213-7 | 2019 | |
9. | Dr. Ahila second author
| Department of Periodontics | M . Senthil velou, Ahila. E , Refine the multiple choice question tool with item analysis. International archives of integrated medicine.2020;7(8): 80-85. | 2020 | |
10. | Dr. Ahila Second author
| Department of Periodontics | M. Senthil Velou, E. Ahila. Types of feedback in medical education – A new hypothesis in alignment with competency-based medical education. International archives of integrated medicine. 2020; 7(8): 86-90. | 2020 | |
11. | Dr. Ahila Second author
| Department of Periodontics |
M. Senthil Velou, E. Ahila. Happy hypoxemia: What has been forgotten. International archives of integrated medicine. 2020; 7(8): 75-79. | 2020 | |
12. | Dr.Srilekha Jayakumar – Third Author
Dr. Karthikeyan Arumugam – Fourth Author |
Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics |
Chakravarthy VS, Tamil S, Jayakumar S, Arumugam K, Monisha RJ, Ramasamy R. An in vitro Study to Compare and Evaluate Microleakage and Compressive Strength of Two Different Types of Glass Ionomer Cements. J Res Adv Dent 2021;12(6):371-373.
| 2021 | |
13. | Dr.Srilekha J – first author
| Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Radix entomolaris with “three distal canals:” A rare case report. Indian journal of Dental Science. 2022;14:32-4. | 2021 | |
14. | Dr.SrilekhaJayakumar – Second Author | Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Dr. Nandhini Ambalavanan, Dr.SrilekhaJayakumar, Dr.Aruna Raj. Ultraconservative treatment modalities for management of discoloured tooth: Case reports.InJAppl Dent Sci. 2019;5(2):407-411. | 2019 | |
15. | First Author- Dr.Vineetha C. S
Second Author – SrilekhaJayakumar
Third Author – BinduMeera John
Fourth Author – Dinesh Sridhar Fifth Author –Arumugam Karthikeyan
| Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Chakravarthy V, Jayakumar S, John Bindu M, Sridhar D, Arumugam K. Comparative Evaluation of Neem, Cinnamon and its Combination as an Intracanal Medicament on E. Faecalis – An Invitro Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Study. Int J Cur Res Rev. 2021; 13(18):48-51 | 2021 | |
16. | Dr. karthikeyan A Fourth author
| Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Murugesan S, Kumar P, Reddy BN, Arumugam K, Mohankumar P, Chandrasekaran K. Novel Management of Hypersensitive Dentin Using Propolis-based Herbal Desensitizing Agents: An In Vitro Scanning Electron Microscopic Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2021 Sep 1;22(9):1030-1034. | 2021 | |
17. |
Dr. Vineetha C.S
| Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Sethy M, Vineetha CS, Srinivas CR. Selfie stick: The magic wand for social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2021 Nov-Dec;87(6):883-884. |
2021 | |
18. | Dr.Srilekha J – First Author | Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Jayakumar S, Ambalavan N, Balasubramanian R, Subramanian A. Radix entomolaris with “three distal canals.” A rare case report. Indian J Dent Sci.2022;14:32-34 | 2022 | |
19. | Dr. Bindu Meera John | Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Sathyanarayanan, Usha1; John, Bindu M.2, Oral health-related attitude and practices of transgender population in Puducherry UT, India—A cross-sectional questionnaire survey, Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care: May 2022; 11(5): 1815-1819. | 2022 | |
20 | Dr.Devameena Dr.Dinesh
Fifth Author | Department of prosthodontics | R Anitha, S Devakumari , DS Dinesh ,E Canmany , S Devameena . Prevalence and Patterns of Maxillofacial Trauma in South India- A Retrospective Study for Seven Years. Journal of Contemporaray Medcine and Dentistry. 2020 ; 8(1):56-59.
| 2020
| |
21 | Dr.Devameena Dr.Dinesh Fouth Author | Department of prosthodontics | R Anitha1, S Devakumari 2, DS Dinesh 3, S Devameena4. Mandibular Third Molar Impactions in South India-A Descriptive. Cross-Sectional Study.Journal of ContemporarayMedcine and Dentistry 2020; 8(1):60-63.
| 2020
| |
22 | Dr.Devameena Fifth Author | Department of prosthodontics | Devakumari S, BhavaniRekha N, Vijhayapriya T, Neil Dominic, Devameena S. Management of foreign body in the maxillofacial region – A retrospective study. Indian J Dent Sci. 2020;12:73-6.
| 2020
| |
23 | Dr.S. Devameena- First author D.S.Dinesh- Second author Dr.LakshmiDevi.G- Third author, Dr.Shanmugavadivel – Fourth Author | Department of prosthodontics | Devameena. S, Dinesh DS, Lakshmi devi.M, Vadivel S. Sinus lift procedures in dental implants: A literature review on techniques,recommendations, and complications. Indian J Dent Sci 2020;12:180-86.
| 2020 | |
24 | Dr.Devameena First authour
| Department of prosthodontics | Devameena.s. Manoharan.p.s, Vivekrajasimhan, Vidhya.B Full mouth rehabilitation for severely attrited dentition by simplified approach- A Case report. Journal of dental research and review.2020;7(4):214-218 | 2020 | |
25 | Dr.Devameena Dr.Dinesh
Sixth Authour
| Department of prosthodontics | Amudha, Devakumari, Neil Domnic, vijhaya priya, Dinesh, Devameena..Management of mandibular condylar fractures by the retromandibular approach-An evaluation of its complications. Asian Journal of medical sciences. 2021;12(2):1-6 | 2021 | |
26 | Dr.Devameena Dr.Dinesh
V author
| Department of prosthodontics | Modified temporal incisions for the management of zygomatic arch fractures-A retrospective study for 7 years. Craniofacial trauma and reconstruction. Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction (2021): 194338752198955. | 2021 | |
27 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Abraham P, Murthy V. Patient Centered Dental Care-The need of the hour. J ClinProsthImpl. 2021;3(2)v-vi | 2021 | |
28 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Rajaram S, Choudhury S. Predicting denture satisfaction and quality of life in completely edentulous: A mixed‑mode study. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2021;21:88-98. | 2021 | |
29 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Shrivastava KJ, Nahar R, Parlani S, Murthy VJ. A cross-sectional virtual survey to evaluate the outcome of online dental education system among undergraduate dental students across India amid COVID-19 pandemic. Eur J Dent Educ. 2022 Feb;26(1):123-130. | 2021 | |
30 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Klaassen H, Ashida S, Comnick CL, Xie XJ, Smith BM, Tabrizi M, Arsenault K, Capin OR, Scully AC, da Mata C, Soto AP, Dias Ribeiro AP, Prince D, Christensen A, Giner-Tarrida L, Satorres Nieto M, León S, Gambetta-Tessini K, Santos MBF, Dias da Silva MA, Pereira AC, Dias do Carmo E, Aurora Stabile Gonnelli F, Carvalho FG, Collares K, Bervian J, Sarkis-Onofre R, Jerfeson Dos Santos Gonçalves F, Bueno-Silva B, Estela Haddad A, Gurgel BCV, Alves PM, Shigli K, Nayak SS, Nayak PP, Murugaboopathy V, Savitha PN, Murthy V, Deshpande S, Marchini L. COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on dental students: A multi-institutional survey. J Dent Educ. 2021 Jul;85(7):1280-1286. 2021 |
| |
31 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Learner Reactions and Responses to Individualized Coaching on Communication Skills for Treating Completely Edentulous Patients. Volume:1, issue:A4(2018). SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science.2018;2(2).17 -25 |
| |
32 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Application of Practice Oriented-Peer Review for Prosthodontics (PRO-PReP)-A Qualitative Study. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2021 Jan 20:91217421990142. | 2021 | |
33 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Shigli K, Nayak SS, Jirge V, Srinagesh J, Murthy V, Gali S. Current status of gerodontology curriculum in India and other parts of the world: A narrative review. Gerodontology. 2020; 37(2):110–31. | 2020 | |
34 | Dr.Varsha Murthy | Department of prosthodontics | Murthy V. Missing link in success of complete denture treatment-An evidence based study. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2020; 20 Suppl S1:16–7.
| 2020 | |
35 | Dr.Shanmugavadivel – First Author Dr. S. Dinesh- Third author Dr.A Balatandayoudham-Fourth author Dr.M. Sadish- Fifth author Dr.P. Prasanna Kumar- sixth author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | G. Shanmugavadivel , AR Senthil Eagappan , S. Dinesh , A. Balatandayoudham, M. Sadish , P. Prasanna Kumar. Dental caries status of children receiving highly active anti-retro viral therapy (HAART) – A Multicentric cross sectional in Tamilnadu, India Journal of Family Medicine and Primary care. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Dec 31;9(12):6147-6152 | 2020 | |
36 | Dr.Shanmugavadivel – Third Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Bharath Naga Reddy, Sabari Murugesan, Shanmugavadivel Gandhi , Sujith Rajamohan , Buggaveeti Pradeep Kumar , Purushotham Mohankumar. Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant effects of oregano on bleached enamel using energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy analysis. The journal of contemporary dental practice J Contemp Dent Pract. 2020 Oct 1;21(10):1170-1175 | 2020 | |
37 | Dr.Shanmugavadivel – Fifth Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Vasanthakumari Anandan , Jaiganesh Inbanathan, Parthiban Saket, Vivek Krishnamoorthy, Shanmugavadivel Gandhi , Vignesh Krishnapillai Chandrababu. Assessment of Clinical and Radiographic Success Rate of Formocresol-based Pulpotomy versus Collagen-based Pulpotomy: An in Vivo Study the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice (2021): 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3117
| 2021 | |
38 | Dr.Shanmugavadivel – Second Author
| Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Dr.A.Vasanthakumar, Dr.G.Shanmugavadivel, Dr.Jaiganesh, Dr.K.Vivek. Knowledge, attitude and practice of oral hygiene among medical students Journal of contemporary dental research. 2021;20(2):231-238
| 2021 | |
39 | Dr.Prasanna Kumar P-first author, Dr.Dinesh DS-second author, Dr.Sadish- third author Dr.Shanmugavadivel- Fourth Author Dr.Rajab Ali- Fifth author
| Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Prasanna Kumar P, Dinesh DS, M. Sadish, Shanmuga Vadivel and Rajab Ali. A comparative study of antimicrobial efficacy of Nisin, Guduchu, Chlorhexidine gel and Calcium hydroxideas intercanal medicament against Entercoccus Faecalis. International Journal Of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2019(5)4563-4566 | 2019 | |
40 | Dr.Prasanna Kumar P-first author Dr.Dinesh DS-second author Dr.Dhanavel-third author Dr.Sadish- third author Dr.Shanmugavadivel – Fifth Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Prasanna Kumar P, Dinesh, Dhanavel, Sadish and Shanmuga Vadivel Comparison of substantiality of Anticariogenic property of polyphenol extract from cranberry with 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash International Journal Of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research 2015 Jan-Mar; 6(1): 35–39
| 2019
| |
41 | Dr.Megalaa – First Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Megalaa N, Thirumurugan K,Kayalvizhi G,Sajeev R,Kayalvizhi EB,Ramesh V, Abhishek Vargeese. A Comparative Evaluation of the Anticaries Efficacy of Herbal Extracts (Tulsi and Black Myrobalans) and Sodium Fluoride as Mouthrinses in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2018;29(6) |
2018 | |
42 | Dr.Megalaa – First Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Megalaa N, Kayalvizhi G, Arun Jacob Silas, Sajeev R, Saravana kumar MS. Role of herbal leaf extracts in caries prevention. Int J Cont Med Res. 2014;1(2):71-78 | 2014 | |
43 | Dr.Megalaa – Sixth Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Kayalvizhi EB, Lakshman VL, Sitra G, Yoga S, Kanmani R, Manimegalai. Oral leukoplakia: A review and its update. J Med Radiol Pathol Surg 2016;2:18-22
| 2016 | |
44 | Dr.Megalaa – Fifth Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Kayalvizhi EB., Sitra G., John Balaih ., Thirumurugan K., Megalaa N and Charanya D. Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders among undergraduate dental Students in a dental hospital at Pondicherry – a cross sectional study. International Journal Of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research.2017;3(6) :1941-1944. | 2017 | |
45. | Dr.Megalaa Fourth – Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | Kayalvizhi E.B., Sitra G., John Balaih., Megalaa.N., Thirumurugan K and Kanmani R. Estimation and comparison of clinical staging and candidal colony counts In oral leukoplakia before and after treatment with 1 %topical Antifungal therapy. International Journal of Current Advanced Research.2017;6(06):4453-4457 | 2017 | |
46 | Dr.Megalaa – Second Author | Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry | E. B. Kayalvizhi, N. Megalaa , K. Thirumurugan , R. Kanmani and G. Sitra. Success And Failure With Intralesional 3% Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate Sclerosing Agent In Two Cases Of Intraoral Hemangioma. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research IJPSR.0975-8232.8(7).3069-74 | 2017 | |
47 | Dr.Sudhakar.R | Department of oral pathology | Scanning electron microscopic observations of the fibrous structure of cemento-dentinal junction in healthy teeth(Indian journal of dental research. 2014;25: 758-61.
| 2014
| |
48 | Dr.S.Shabana Fathima | Department of oral pathology |
Candida in health and Disease- A review. Scholars Journal of Dental sciences 2015;2(1):30-35. | 2015 | |
49 |
Dr.Satheesh babu Second author
| Department of oral pathology | Jebilla Pringle, A., S. Satheesh Babu, E. Rajesh, N. Anitha, N. Aravindha Babu, & K. M. K. Masthan. “Evaluation and Comparison of Root Proximity of Maxillary and Mandibular Interradicular Sites for Mini Implant Placement Using Orthopantomogram and Cone Beam Computed Tomography.” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development [Online], 10.12 (2019): 2090-2095. | 2019 | |
50 | Dr.S.Satheesh babu First author | Department of oral pathology | · Xerostomia- a review of literature. Indian journal of public health research. 2019;10(11):3142
| 2019 | |
51 | Dr.s.satheesh babu First author | Department of oral pathology | Supernumerary Tooth Associated With An Mesiodens – A Case Report, Biomedical And Pharmacological Journal October.2015;8 (October spl issue) | 2015 | |
52 | Dr.s.satheesh babu Third author | Department of oral pathology | Prosthetic Rehabilitation Of A Patient With Ectodermal Dysplasia- Case Report, Iosr –Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences.14 (2 )Ver. VII (Feb. 2015), 31 | 2017 | |
53 | Dr.S.Satheesh babu First author | Department of oral pathology | Non Surgical Management Of Osmf- A Review Of Literature. Journal Of Indian Dental Association. 2014;6(23):25. | 2014 | |
54 | Dr.S.Satheesh babu First author | Department of oral pathology | Oral Biopsy – An Overview. Journal Of IndianDental Association. 2014;6(23):15 | 2014
| |
55 | Dr.Yuvaraj V First author | Dept of Oral surgery | Yuvaraj V, Krishnan B, Therese BA, Balaji TS. Efficacy of Neurectomy of Peripheral Branches of the Trigeminal Nerve in Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Critical Review of the Literature. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2019 Mar;18(1):15-22. | 2019 | |
56 | Dr. Satheesh G – first author Dr. Balathandayutham – second author Dr.Yuvaraj V – Third author Venugopalan V- Fourth author Dr. Duraimurugan – fifth author
| Dept of Oral surgery | Satheesh G, Balathandayutham, Yuvaraj V, Venugopalan V and Duraimurugan S. Evaluation of antilingula and mandibular foramen in 3d ct scan images for mandibular osteotomies. international journal of recent scientific research vol. 11(02) (d); 37428-37430. | 2020 | |
57 | Dr. Jeelani – First Author Dr.Amirthaa Priyadharscini R – second author
| Department of Oral medicine | Virtibot –A Virtual Aid In Forensics. International Journal of Current Research.2017;9(11) 60488-60490. | 2017 | |
58 | Dr. Jeelani – First Author Dr.Amirthaa Priyadharscini R – second author
| Department of Oral medicine | · Diagnostic And Therapeutic Values Of Nanotechnology In Cancer Management. Journal Of Advanced Clinical And Research Insights. 2017;4(3):103-105
| 2017 | |
59 | Dr. Jeelani – First author, Dr.Amirthaa Priyadharscini R – third author
| Department of Oral medicine | · Interdisciplinary Role Of Oral Physician In Stomatognathic Diseases. Journal Of Advanced Clinical And Research Insights. 2017; 4(3):100-102. | 2017 | |
60 | Dr. Jeelani – First author Dr.Amirthaa Priyadharscini R – Second Author Dr. Abdul Khader – Third Author | Department of Oral medicine | S. Jeelani ,AmirthaaPriyadharscini R, K Abdul Khader. Translational research- Emerging Epigenetics : A Glowing gamut beyond genetics. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences. 2019; 3(4): 41-44 | 2019 | |
61 |
Dr. Jeelani – First author
| Department of Oral medicine | Jeelani. S, Katherina Sushmita Barman. P.J. Oral health literacy intervention among caregivers of HIV positive children – an altruistic step in dental care for smile from within. International Journal of current research. 2017; 9(9): 57774-57779.
| 2017 | |
62 | Dr. Jeelani – Second author
| Department of Oral medicine | R.C. Jagat Reddy, S. Jeelani, P. Duraiselvi, M. Kandasamy, G. Suresh Kumar, R. AzhalVelPandian. Assessment of effectiveness of Fluconazole and Clotrimazole in treating oral candidiasis patients: a comparative study. Journal of International society of preventive and community dentistry. 2017; 7(2): 90-94 | 2017 | |
63 | Dr. Jeelani – Sixth author
| Department of Oral medicine | SantoshPalla, VishwanathRangdhol, An Uma, Santha A Devy, ShekarVandana, Siccandar Ali Jeelani. Evaluation of micronucleus and associated abnormalities in buccal cells post CT scan exposure – an observational study. JCDR: 2018; 12(5): ZC19 – ZC 23 | 2018 | |
64 | Dr.Jeelani – Third Author | Department of Oral medicine | SantoshPalla, VishwanathRangdhol, S. Jeelani, S. Vandana, T. Sivasankari. Comparative evaluation of bone densities in edentulous and dentulous areas by fractal analysis on panoramic radiographs – a retrospective study. Journal of advanced clinical and research insights. 2017; 4(3): 84-87 | 2017 | |
65 | Dr.Jeelani – First author | Department of Oral medicine | Jeelani S, Suganya SB. Syndromic faces. Journal of Surgery. 2017; 15:1-5 | 2017 | |
66 | Dr.Jeelani – First author | Department of Oral medicine | S. Jeelani. Corticosteroids in Oral and Maxillofacial lesions – A review. Global Journal of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2019; 1(3): 50-53. | 2019 | |
67 | Dr.Jeelani – First author | Department of Oral medicine | Jeelani S, Neurosurgical research in de addiction – an innovative intervention in habit induced potentially malignant disorders. Austin Surg case Rep. 2020; 5(2): 1-5 | 2020 | |
68 | Dr.Jeelani – First author | Department of Oral medicine | S. Jeelani, Holistic dentistry in evolving evidence based dental curriculum. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 2020:28(5);21944-21949 | 2020 | |
69 | Dr.Jeelani – First author | Department of Oral medicine | S. Jeelani. Communicating with communicable diseases in the Coronosphere.SVJHS.2021;1(1):19-20 | 2021 | |
70 | Dr.Jeelani – First author | Department of Oral medicine | S. Jeelani. Image Diagnosis of Syndromes. SVJHS.2021;1(1):29-32 | 2021 | |
71 | Dr.Abdul- First Author | Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology |
A review on diagnostic dental radiation risk during pregnancy: justifying the dilemma- International Journal of Current Research;Vol. 9, Issue, 05, pp.49924-49929, May, 2017
| 2017 | |
72 | Dr.Abdul- First Author | Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology |
Khader et al., (2017) Effect of Caesin Phosphopeptide Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPPACP) on Micro Hardness and Morphological Properties of Enamel of Teeth – Pre and Post Radiation Therapy: An in Vitro Study. International Journal of Clinical and Biological Sciences, 2(1), 1-17. | 2017 | |
73 | Dr. Rajab Ali – first author, Dr. Marie Asha Ambroise – Second author Dr. Hariharasudan Jayapalraj – third author Dr. Arun Narayanan – Fourth author Dr. E Karunajothi – Fifth Author Dr. Roshan Elias – Sixth author | Dept of Orthodontics | Rajab ali et al. Blindness following trauma of midfacial fractures: a retrospective study. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 2021;32(3):17545-17548 | 2021 | |
74 | Dr.Rajab Ali – first author Dr. Roshan – Fourth author | Dept of Orthodontics | Dr. R. Rajab Ali et al. Evaluation of Kinetic Friction in Monocrystalline Ceramic, Polycrystalline Ceramic and Composite Brackets in Dry and Wet Field’, International Journal of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, 2019; 05(05):4169-4173.
| 2019 | |
75 | Shabana A.G – Second author | Dept of Public health dentistry | Shivanna MM, Ganesh S, Khanagar SB, Naik S, Divakar DD, Al-Kheraif AA, Jhugroo C. Twelve-month evaluation of the atraumatic restorative treatment approach for class III restorations: An interventional study. World J Clin Cases. 2020 Sep 26;8(18):3999-4009.
| 2020 | |
76 | Shabana A.G – Third author | Dept of Public health dentistry |
Ankita Gupta, Pulkit Vaid, Shabana A G. Nicotine Repalcement Therapy – A Review. International Journal of Research and Advanced Studies.2018;5(1):301 – 307. | 2018 | |
77 | Shabana A.G – First Author | Dept of Public health dentistry |
Shabana et al. Strategies used for food and Beverage Advertisements in Bengaluru City- A visual Interpretive study. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.2017;16(4) :64 – 68. | 2017 |
Committees | |
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) | Dental Communication Unit (DCU) |
Dental Educational Unit (DEU) | Research / IIC / IPR/Committee |
Hospital Administration | Placement & Career Guidance Committee |
Library Committee | Internal Complaints Committee |
Anti-Ragging Committee | Maintenance Committee |
Grievance Redressal Committee | Alumni Committee |
Mentor & Mentee Committee | Minority Cell |
SC & ST Cell | Students Welfare Committee |
Student Council | Curriculum & Academic Committee |
ISO 21001:2018 (EOMS), STAGE 1 Audit was held on 17/04/2024 for Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental college along with other group of institutions. External Auditor’s Dr.Anand and Mr. Sashidharan TUV SUD, South Asia Pvt Ltd conducted the audit.
Dr.S.Shabana Fathima,Professor/IQAC Co-ordinator,Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology and Dr.Ahila Elumalai,Reader,Department of Periodontics has Successfully Completed the THREE credit course, Swayam Online Certification on “Quality Assurance through NAAC Accreditation Process ” from January to June 2024.
Dr.S.Shabana Fathima, Professor/IQAC Co-ordinator of Srivenkateshwaraa Dental College, Ariyur, Puducherry has successfully completed Professional Development Programme (PDP) a Short Term Course On ” Quality Assurance Through NAAC Accreditation Process” conducted by NITTTR, Extension centre,Kalamassery, Cochin from 01/07/2024 to 05/07/2024 ( National Learning Hrs: 30 ).
Dr.S.Shabana Fathima Professor/ IQAC Co-ordinator of Srivenkateshwaraa Dental College,Ariyur,Puducherry attended ” REFORMS 2024″ Binary Accreditation,A Regional Consultative Workshop: Southern Region On 16/07/2024 at JN Tata Auditorium, IISc,Bangalore Organized by National Assesment and Accreditation Council ( NAAC) along with Dr.Malliga, Principal,ICON College and IQAC Co-ordinators of Srivenkateshwaraa Group of Institutions ( SVGI)
After which the report was handed to Dr.S.Senthilnathan, Head of the institution, Srivenkateshwaraa Dental College,Pondicherry and COO Dr.B.Vidhya, Srivenkateshwaraa Group of Institutions.