Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a surgical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of disorders of head and neck region. It acts as a bridge between medicine and dentistry. It is today a part of the extensive infrastructure of the Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College, attached to SVMC,a state-of-the-art super-speciality hospital in Ariyur (easy commute from pomdicherry).
Our objective is to dispense quality health care in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery in an ethical manner. This is accomplished by following strict aseptic measures and protocol along with personalized and patient oriented care which is provided at an affordable cost. Our oral and maxillofacial surgery team is committed to provide quality patient care by promoting a safe and supportive environment.
We take pride in our commitment and dedication towards creating the future generation of doctors and maxillofacial surgeons. The teaching and learning exercises are designed to be holistic in view of provision of patient focused care by treating the individual with dignity, respect and compassion and being sensitive to the diversity of human needs. Exposure and excellence in clinical practice is of utmost importance in any medical course. We at SVDC promote this by conducting skill improvement programs and individual development among students. Thus, we aim and shall strive to be a leading center for research, training and provision of quality services in the sphere of maxillofacial surgery.
The oral and maxillofacial surgery centre is equipped with the latest facilities to house and treat in-patients and out-patients. The department has well-planned and spacious clinic to handle the procedures of exodontia and other minor surgical procedures done under local anaesthesia. The centre not only has attracted patients from Puducherry, but also from other parts of Tamilnadu. The department layout includes a dedicated space for minor surgical procedures for both undergraduates and post graduates. We collaborate with Sri Venkateshwara Medical Hospital, a state-of-the-art 800 bedded hospital by incorporating a major part of our specialty into the hospital setting viz. operating rooms, wards and casualty. The Department is equipped with state of art instruments for treatment of maxillofacial diseases and disorders such as Surgical saw, Piezosurgical unit and microscope for microvascular reconstruction.
1 | Dental Chairs and Units | 48 |
2 | Autoclave | 5 |
3 | Fumigators | 1 |
4 | Surgical instruments tracheotomy kit Minor oral surgery kit Osteotomy kit | 2 1 5 1 |
5 | Cleft surgery kit Bone grafting kit Emergency kit Trauma set including bone plating kit Implantology kit with implants | 1 1 1 2 1 |
6 | Distraction osteogenesis kit | 1 |
7 | Magnifying loops | 1 |
8 | Operating microscope and Microsurgery kit | 1 |
9 | Dermatomes | 1 |
10 | Needle destroyer | 4 |
11 | Ultrasonic Cleaner capacity 3.5 lts | 3 |
12 | Formalin chamber | 1 |
13 | Pulse oxymeter | 1 |
14 | Computer with internet connection with attached printer and scanner | 1 |
15 | LCD projector | 1 |
16 | Refrigerator |
1 | Oscillating saw | 1
2 | Peizo surgical unit | 1
Apart from catering to patient’s needs, this department also trains undergraduate and postgraduate students per year. The vision is to produce oral health care providers with a comprehensive approach to health care. We aim to provide the highest level of training in the full scope of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in a comprehensive manner and train the students with a strong academic and research background.
The postgraduates get first-hand experience in the management of maxillofacial trauma as they are posted in 24/7 trauma duties in the emergency department at Sri Venkateshwara Medical Hospital. They are also trained in Basic Life support (BLS) and Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) at the simulation Lab. This kind of training helps them to manage life threatening emergencies with confidence. The center has an excellent library that is stocked with specialized reference books, an accessible E-library with a wide range of national and international journals.
3 | CAP ON THE FACE Method to prevent collapse of zygomatic arch following closed reduction of zygomatic complex fracture. | DR.SATHEESH .G (ASSOC PROF) |
4 | PAIN “Pre Analgesia In Nullifying” Pain | DR.KARUNAJOTHI .E (ASSOC PROF) |
5 | NOT (No Over Thinking ) | DR.S.DURAIMURUGAN |
1 | A surgical assisting device that acts as a bone holder cum self-retractor for fracture of mandibular angle and body | DR.BALATANDAYOUDAM .A ( PROF) |
2 | An interdental twisted wire loop maker in Intermaxillary fixation | DR.V.VENUGOPALAN |
SVDC aims to improve dental education for the overall progress of the community.
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