The department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics was established in the year 2016, with contemporary design and is equipped with modern dental chairs, latest instruments and materials.
The department is bestowed with dedicated and experienced faculty, committed to excellence in Education. The department provides excellent patient care, Research activity and offers excellent UG & PG training programmes
Lab facilities & Equipment available : The department encompasses the following lab facilities:
UG & PG Pre-clinical lab; Wet & Dry lab, Casting lab for UG and PG, Ceramic Lab, Phantom Head simulation lab.
We have state of the art equipments like : Equipments for casting procedures, Equipments for ceramics fabrication including induction casting machines/ burnout preheat furnaces/ wax elimination furnaces, Lab micro motor/ metal grinders / sand blasters/ polishing lathes/ duplicator equipment/ vacuum investment equipments,
Services/Treatment offered :
In addition the department caters to the various restorative needs of the patients like – Silver amalgam, Glass ionomer, Composite restoration, Pit and fissure sealants, Preventive resin restoration, Indirect restoration
COSMETIC PROCEDURES like Veeners, Bleaching, Diastema closure
SAVING THE TOOTH WITH ENDODONTIC PROCEDURES like Pulp capping procedures, Root Canal Treatment, Perforation repair, Apexogenesis, Apexification, Regenerative procedures, Periapical surgery, Management of traumatic injuries and resorption, Hemisection, Intentional Reimplantation
POST ENDODONTIC RESTORATIONS like Custom cast posts, Prefabricated posts, Light transmitting posts, Metal ceramic crowns, All Ceramic crowns.
CARIES PREVENTION COUNSELLING like Counselling the patients regarding the importance of regular dental checkup and maintainence of proper oral hygiene. Educating the patients regarding measures for early caries diagnosis and its prevention, Diet counselling.
Clinical cases:
SVDC aims to improve dental education for the overall progress of the community.
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