Department Description :

The Department of Public Health Dentistry is at the forefront of providing preventive, promotive and curative dental services in an attempt to create healthy mouth and therefore healthy body. The department is actively involved in bridging the gap of accessibility and affordability by providing oral health services to rural and urban population. Routine dental camps are organized and conducted for school children, special children, geriatric and general population in association with various public and private stakeholders. The department is actively involved in research related to oral health thereby creating research temperament amongst students and CRRIs.

  • To train future dental graduates in areas of community and school oral health, dental ethics, surveys and to serve community with a sense of social responsibility thereby enabling them to improve Oral Health
  • To train our students in academic activities through seminars, small group discussions and project-based learning.
  • To impart basic knowledge on public health via visiting water purification plant and sewage treatment plant.
Facilities and equipment available:
  • Functional, fully equipped mobile dental van with two dental chairs.
  • Two portable dental chairs
  • Portable X-ray machine
  • Portable compressor
  • Dental Museum with IEC (Information Education Communication: Working models and poster to maintain oral health)
  • Sterilization room with autoclaves
  • Functional geriatric clinic
Services and Treatment Offered:
  • In Department:

    Tobacco Cessation Centre in collaboration with National Tobacco Control Program/State Tobacco Control Cell, Puducherry.

    • Promotive Services: motivating patients to maintain good oral health.
    • Preventive services: Pit and Fissure Sealants, Fluoride application, Oral Prophylaxis.
    • Curative Services: Restoration and extraction.

    In Dental Camps:

    The department CRRIs are posted every day at Primary Health Centre, Maducarai

    • Dental Screening
    • Preventive and Promotive Services
    • Curative Services
Skills Imparted to Students


    • To identify oral health and health problems affecting the society.
    • To be able to conduct oral health surveys and record the burden of oral diseases using dental indices.
    • To be able to address the health problems of society with a positive attitude and be a part of the solution by actively involving in the process.
    • To take responsibilities and communicate the oral health needs of the community to concerned officials of the local government.
    • To educate general population in methods to prevent oral diseases.